c. Resistant and disrespectful. Race is the only reference group included in the definition.b. The client is guarded and paranoid. White supremacy.b. Western philosophies. High-context cultures place a greater reliance on the verbal part of a message.c. Most mental health professionals have not been trained to work with anyone otherthan mainstream individuals or groups. Repressed, inhibited, shy, or passive.b. b. In order to be a culturally competent therapist, one should try to avoid theirpersonal feelings and previous experiences with race, culture, and gender. may act as the extended family? d. None of the above. He was afraid that telling the school of the abuse would cause his family to be deported. People's ability to control their level of self-esteem. Scientific Empiricism. "fears of White people"b. Empirically supported treatments must demonstrate: a. Integrative Awareness Stage.b. Strongly influenced by gender. COUN 634 quiz 2 questions:answers.docx - Question 1 1 out a. IC-IR. What happens in the therapist' s office may represent a microcosm of race relations in the larger society. They generally take a long time to conduct.b. d. Differences in communication patterns between Black and White individuals are found primarily in academic settings. b. People sensing they are being tolerated don't feel welcome.d. It is easier to integrate multicultural sensitivity with evidence-based practice than with empirically supported treatments. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. One important concept of developing appropriate intervention strategies is to: a. b. The accuracy of nonverbal communication may vary according to the part of the body involved. The author asserts that it is important to understand indigenous healing practicesin order to:a. Ignoring the thoughts of others. How can people who commit microaggressions be so unaware of theiractions?b. It assumes that all people are intelligent.b. What is the key element that can destroy trustworthiness within a helping relationship? Ensure team alignment. Equal treatment may be discriminatory treatment. my city inspector wasatch county; latch board of directors; most annoying sound in the world hippo; quebec flood zone map 2019; the villa restaurant bishops stortford menu; ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. In the Cross (1971) model, the last stage, ________________ speaks to thecommitment that individuals have toward social change, social justice, and civilrights. Conceal their true thoughts and feelings as a survival mechanism aimed at reducing one's vulnerability to harm in a hostile environment. U.S. society is characterized by which philosophy? Cultural oppression.d. The term control ideology refers to: a. Extended, everyday exc, Microaggressions can:a. Providing advice and suggestions are not effective forms of, Important features associated with a multidimensional model of culturalcompetence include all of the following except:a. c. Overemphasize the exploration of counselor values and beliefs. b. d. Ethnic minorities have learned to ignore nonverbal cues and focus primarily on the verbal response of individuals. b. c. Listen to hip-hop music. Pre-encounter.b. Cognitive behavioral therapy, but not psychodynamic therapy, includes manycomponents of White culture. c. Hmong Sudden Death Syndrome. c. Services are too accommodating. c. Visiting places of worship. Nina is a Software Engineer at Microsoft. Which of the following is an example of an environmental microaggression:a. Equal access.b. Creating a community that is more inclusive and equitable in its treatment of racial/ethnic minorities. Beliefs such as "we are all part of the human race" and "I do not see color" aremost helpful in establishing empathy between the therapist and clients of color. In the Racial/Cultural Identity Model, the authors believe that the ____________ stage continues to be most characterized by individuals who have bought into societal definitions about their minority status. The client is guarded and paranoid.b. d. Awareness. A person is more likely to engage in overt discrimination when their anonymity isinsured. In the Ruiz model of Latino identity development, the _____________ stage is characterized by feelings of shame and embarrassment about ethnic markers such as skin color, accent, customs, and so on. c. Latin Americans may feel more uncomfortable having a desk between them and the person they are speaking to. d. Racism was eliminated with the social acceptance and legal codification of the goals and values of the civil rights movement. It assumes that insight always leads to behavior change.d. c. What explains the perseverance of the belief among members of certain sociodemographic categories that they are undergoing oppression in the United States? a. Introspection Stage. One stop for all your course learning material, explainations, examples and practice questions. c. Group. Acceptable treatment of women that women nonetheless consider to represent"hidden" sexism.c. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: a. Expressing aggression directly. e. Racism is more likely to be covert. What is problematic about the notions that stressing differences is potentiallydivisive?a. D.N. (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore. The counselor is asking th, People of African descent may be especially reluctant to disclose to Whitecounselors because:a. d. Scientific Empiricism. Native American Heritage Flashcards | Quizlet c. The client is encouraged to try solitary activities in the treatment of depression. in disney cream cheese pretzel recipe. b. a. c. EC-IR. b. c. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to improve the life of only one family member. . What is true regarding the case of Vang? f. All of the above. e. Possess negative feelings and beliefs about historically disadvantaged groups, which may be unconscious. b. The ability, Which of the following is not a guiding principle for effective multiculturalcounseling and therapy:a. Blatant and harmful treatment of women [overt sexism] that is conscious anddeliberat, Aversive racists tend to:a. Consciously assert egalitarian values but unconsciously hold anti-minorityfeelings.b. e. None of the above. Repressed, inhibited, shy, or passive. Good counseling practice is good counseling practice regardless of clients' race or ethnicity. The study of kinesics refers to perception and use of personal and interpersonal space. Spirituality involves a specific doctrine and particular system of beliefs. If a person believes in the concepts of democracy and fairness, they are incapableof discrimination. In U.S. society, people seem more uncomfortable when others stand too close rather than too far away. Repressed, inhibited, shy, or passive. Feel empowered as he/she can take the lead in session. c. It appears to be culturally conditioned. Understanding your emotional reactions.d. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like _________, defined as negative attitudes toward the process of aging or toward older individuals, is very common in our society., "Minority standard time" refers to the poor people's tendency to disregard punctuality due to a conflict with their past-focused time orientation., According to social-class stratification theory . A person is more likely to engage in overt discrimination when their anonymity is insured. How should a lack of self-disclosure be understood when working with diversepopulations?a. Becoming culturally competent in mental health practice demands nested orembedded emotions be openly experienced in which of the followingsociodemographic areas of difference:a. Race.b. d. Conformity Stage. All the deans of a university are White males.c. Openness, sincerity, confidentiality, genuineness.b. You see them as chronically dependent. Resistance and Immersion Stage. An egalitarian stance and encouragement of sharing and self-disclosure facilitates the development of empathy. c. Offered herself as the chief instrument of cure. d. Both b and c. e. None of the above. b. Group-deprecating attitudes. d. All of the above. Unavoidable due to biased attitudes and stereotypes that challenge grouphierarchy.c. b. c. EC-IR. d. Mesh well with the more collectivistic orientations of people of color. c. There is only one racethe human race. By continuing well assume youre on board with our cookie policy. "Minority standard time" refers to the poor people's tendency to disregard punctuality due to a conflict with their past-focused time orientation.v. Looks like this deck doesn't exist or is now private. The following statement is true of microaggressions: a. The "illness myth" refers to the tendency for Latino/as to over-exaggerate theirsymptoms. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. He is a board member for the American . d. Avoid counseling services. Marginal Person.c. Relationships in Japan and China are often described as lineal. b. Genuineness, openness, sincerity, passivity. The author asserts that more and more people of color are coming to hold whichworldview?a. In the Ruiz model of Latino identity development, the _____________ stage ischaracterized by feelings of shame and embarrassment about ethnic markers suchas skin color, accent, customs, and so on. ; Each of us saw her duck - It is not clear whether the word "duck" refers to an action of ducking, or a duck that is a bird. He does not own a watch. Nearly every disability advocacy group said that the Department's two-tiered approach strikes the proper balance between ensuring access for individuals with disabilities and addressing fundamental alteration and safety concerns held by public entities; however, a minority of disability advocacy groups wanted other power-driven mobility devices . Of the biased nature of the services themselves.b. Cognitive behavioral therapy, but not psychodynamic therapy, includes many components of White culture. Internal Control (IC) refers to: a. c. Dispassionate. Perceive African American clients negatively. To survive slavery, African-Americans often adopted a pattern of:a. Constructivism.b. a. IC-IR. Acknowledge racism.b. Culturally diverse clients who do not conceive of mental and physical health asseparate entities may expect:a. Empathic listening.b. Going to community centers.c. Individual. 2. : the smaller of two groups constituting a whole: as. Which stage is characterized by a disdain for the dominant culture and development of pride in one's own culture: a. Integrative Awareness Stage. c. They have not been in contact with many Whites in the past. b. b. Person-centered. Therapeutic modalities should be consistent with the lifestyles andcultural systems of c, One important concept of developing appropriate intervention strategies is to:a. c. Textbooks on history often put too much emphasis on the importance of other countries. Shame is an emotion felt at the group level, whereas guilt is an individual emotion. by. With regard to time orientation, Asian Americans are most like White Americansin their concern for the future. a. d. The intelligence model. d. One's values as shaped solely by religion. What is true regarding the Naikan therapy? The need to consider specific cultural group worldviews associated with race,gender, sexual orientation, and so on.b. There is only one racethe human race.d. Latino families cannot make it in the U.S.d. During the Resistance and Immersion Stage, a person of color is most likely toexhibit which constellation of emotions?a. The enlightenment of personal spirit.c. PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorderc. Susto.d. Preparing counselors with multicultural expertise means: a. 8. Feel that they have the space to explore feelings. b. Conformity Stage. In general, people are receptive to the idea that they have engaged in microaggressive behavior. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client Which of the following is considered a shortcoming of empirically supportedtreatments:a. c. Why do oppressed groups overreact to unintentional insults that denigrate their way of being? Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. b. a. a. : the period before attainment of majority. In which stage would an individual be if they stated, "I like that no one can detectmy accentthose people who speak with an accent sound stupid"?:a. d. Integrated Person. d. All of the above., In order to be a culturally competent therapist, one should try to avoid their personal feelings and previous experiences . Counseling and therapy will always be needed and tend toward remediationrather than, Which of the following is NOT true of the intent of multicultural training:a. Helping professionals have a moral and ethical responsibility to address such issues as racism, sexism, and homophobia. According to Ruiz, fragmentation of ethnic identity and rejection ofChicano/Latino heritage is associated with the:a. Causal Stage.b. Legislation advancing to the Senate included propositions allowing schools to use vehicles other than school buses to transport students (HB 51), moving the Office of Charter School Compliance to . c. Feel uncomfortable. SHARES. b. Western society tends to value ___________, which involves linear thinking. Organizations are likely to be reflections of the monocultural values and practices of the larger culture. Traditional medicine. a. Which of the following is not a guiding principle for effective multicultural counseling and therapy: a. d. B and C. e. None of the above. Encounter. c. Selective trust and distrust according to the dominant group's demonstrated attitudes. Nonverbal. Communication styles are. c. Victim blaming. c. Unequal and harmful treatment of women that is conducted in a hidden manner. c. Defer to people of color in making decisions about interventions. (1985). Multicultural counseling and psychotherapy assumes: a. d. Negate indigenous helping/healing approaches that may already exist within the community. f. None of the above. AMBIGUITY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary a. IC-IR. c. Latino families cannot make it in the U.S. d. None of the above. d. Become stronger. Training Manual for Managing Complexities and Ambiguities in Projects b. e. None of the above. c. Shame, disgust, frustration. In J. Kim's (1981) Asian American identity model, the _________ ___________ stage begins around the ages of 3 to 4, when the child's family members serve as the significant ethnic group model. The expectation of hopelessness is characterized in which constellation?a. d. None of the above. b. IC-ER. e. None of the above. The culturally deficient model. A culturally competent counselor is one who believes: a. None of the above. Hall of the House and committee rooms, for members' and . d. All of the above. Different cultural groups may be more receptive to certain counseling styles because of cultural and sociocultural factors. Values and beliefs that lie outside conscious awareness.c. Discovery, he was previously the Global Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Social Impact at adidas and has a long and rich career in the diversity and inclusion space with senior executive roles at The Telegraph Media Group, EY Financial Services and the City of London Police. Often more dependent upon nonverbal than on verbal communication.d. Strong interpersonal bond. c. Gender. When counselors explore their own emotional reactions to race and culture, feelings such as defensiveness and anger can be destructive and are better left untouched. None of the above. The culturally diverse model.b. Hidden messages can seem innocuous while being distressing to the target. Developing multicultural competencies as core standards for our profession. How should a counselor enter a situation with a client who is culturally different? a. The news broke last week that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has given Tucker Carlson of Fox News access to thousands of hours of surveillance video from the day of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol in 2021. She is in the Microsoft Cloud for Industry Global Expansion Team (MCIGET) Industry Customer & Partner Engineering (ICPE) team. b. Koro. Psychoanalysis with a psychiatrist.d. a. Invalidate the client. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain: Haven't found what you were looking for? Covert sexism is: a. Believe that Asian American clients are pathological. Feel that they have the space to explore feelings. The authors of The Bell Curve (Herrntein & Murray, 1994) contend that programs such as Head Start and Affirmative Action are helpful in eliminating deficits in education. More often aspired to nontraditional occupations. Feel uncomfortable.d. Defensiveness.c. A student is sent to you because of aggressive behavior and disrespect of authority figures in school A social justice approach to therapy would: a. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Which of the following is likely to be a perspective of a culturally competent helping professional? With a mental list of generalizations from which to view the client.c. b. Shifting the dialogue to other topics (i.e. Assumes that shared experiences aid in the for. Asian Americ, In the opening vignette involving the Japanese American woman, the term racialawakening is related to:a. A person can deliver a microaggression unintentionally.b. As an operator, I've worked on semantic similarity and NLP to design system . Which of the following statements is NOT true about racism: a. Session of . c. The genetically deficient model. Which of the following is NOT a relevant question for counselors to ask:a. d. All of the above. Intellectual competence.c. Hidden messages can seem innocuous while being distressing to the target.c. b. Undressing in public is a cultural taboo. ambiguity definition: 1. d. System-blame. None of the above. System-blame. b. Right-brain activities.d. IC-ER.c. Although there is optimism about the convergence of multicultural psychology and evidence-based practices, there is still resistance to ________ _________ among some individuals in the field. b. (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore. Dissonance Stage.d. Making home visits.b. The goal is to have the person recognize and be grateful for what we receive from others. d. American Indians. The statement, "There is only one race: the human race" is an example of: a. Ascription of Intelligence b. Colorblindness c. Alien in Own Land d. Assumption of Criminality. Among Asians, smiling may represent embarrassment, apprehension, oranxiety.b. Rational. The manuals can be very difficult to follow.c. b. Decreasing. therapeutic alliance. All too often, counseling and psychotherapy seem to ignore which dimension ofhuman existence?a. Intuition.c. Confrontational.c. c. Fully understand the worldview of culturally different clients. Culture-. c. African Americans. feel uncomfortable. b. Blatant and harmful treatment of women [overt sexism] that is conscious and deliberate. b. d. None of the above. Limiting use of self-disclosure when working with an Asian American client is anexample of multicultural counseling competence. It assumes that all people are intelligent. Includes a vision of society in which distribution of resources is equitable and all members are safe and secure. f. None of the above. Extended, rare exchanges between White people and people of color. To recognize the potentially changing and developmental natur, In 1971, Sue and Sue developed an early model of development, which was usedto explain clinical differences amongst Chinese Americans. Difficulties in the ___________ _____________ may be a factor in the underutilization of mental health services and early termination of therapy seen with minority clients. In the Cross (1971) model, the last stage, ________________ speaks to the commitment that individuals have toward social change, social justice, and civil rights. What is true regarding the Naikan therapy?a. A male student calls a female student a "bitch."c. Implement strategies that have only been validated by research.c. A situation-centered therapist working with an African American client is likelyto consider the client's personality over and above racism as a reason for theclient's termination from work. Pride in one's racial and cultural identity is most likely to be accepted by an: a. IC-IR person. b. Raising counselors' awareness of microaggressions The professor in the dialogue presented in Chapter 2 believes that: a. Emotional.d. What happens in the therapist' s office may represent a microcosm of racerelations in the larger society.c. Relationships in Japan and China are often described as lineal.b. People feel they have an honored place at the table.c. The client is passive, repressed, or inhibited. Help the client "fit in" and "become a good citizen" c. Investigate the social system as the potential source of the problem d. Have remediation or elimination of the problem behaviors as the goal of therapy. Unavoidable due to biased attitudes and stereotypes that challenge group hierarchy. c. Are more likely to occur when people pretend not to notice differences. b. Traditional counselors that have been trained to be direct and confrontational may be perceived by Asian American or Native American clients as: a. Disrespectful. Microaggressions are often subtle and can be manifested in the following realms EXCEPT: a. Verbal. Which of the following terms was nonexistent for the author in his graduateschool days:a. Multicultural.b. c. Space and time are fixed and are absolute constructs of reality. c. The American Indian family network is structurally open and may include several households of relatives and friends. d. EC-ER. An example of merging evidence-based practice. Value individual responsibility and autonomy.b. Almost all racial/ethnic minority groups are less collateral than WhiteAmericans in their relationships with people. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client:a. d. Resistance and Immersion Stage. However, this article was a theoretical examination and no research c. A White therapist tells an Asian client that she doesn't "see color." The term control ideology refers to:a. Some African Americans tend to feel it is more important to listen to what a White person has to say than to pay attention to non-verbal behavior. b. Many members of marginalized groups feel that the reality of their oppressive experiences is ignored by those in power because of their own discomfort. Treatment was only temporarily successful.d. Step 3 - Explain what a breathing room is and let your client choose one for himself. A friendly encounter with a White person.b. b. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: a. c. A reflection of monocultural values is superordinate to multicultural values. Hmong Sudden Death Syndrome.d. d. A world where spirits reside and impact people in the physical world. d. All of the above. The author states that he directs his anger not at White Americans or our countrybut at:a. In the Resistance and Immersion stage, the minority person tends to____________ minority-held views completely and to _________ the dominantvalues of society and culture. Ambiguity definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary How can people who commit microaggressions be so unaware of their actions? Problematic social media use is associated with the evaluation - PubMed Diversity.c. Openness, sincerity, confidentiality, genuineness. Culture is the only reference group included in the definition. The view that a "bad" child was destined to be that way is most likely to be found among: a. Asian Americans.
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