Violence in Mexico has claimed nearly 40,000 lives since President Felipe Calderon began a military offensive aimed at overpowering drug cartels. Today, the two primary uses of the Barrett are "anti-material" (aka destroying enemy vehicles) and "ridiculous toy for rich people." No, they published this piece in an effort to get the US Congress to tighten Americas gun control laws, ostensibly to stop the alleged flow of guns to Mexico. An estimated 20 attorneys, many based in Texas, are expected to unite to represent Mexico,including six companies they blame for the bulk of recovered crime guns there:Smith & Wesson, Beretta, Century Arms, Colt, Glockand Ruger. Two women were killed in the crossfire when rival gangs started shooting at a popular sidewalk restaurant in Tulum. 3. Military-style weaponry has enabled the drug trafficking organizations to match and sometimes overwhelm the firepower of Mexican law enforcement. Colt Super .38 pistol: Colt, based in West Hartford, Conn., is the corporate legacy of Samuel Colt, who popularized the revolver in the years before the Civil War. 6 Ugly Things I Learned Selling Guns To Drug Cartels Mexico Is Right to Sue U.S. Gun Companies - Foreign Policy of violence in this conflict: intra-cartel disputes, inter-cartel rivalries, and the overall war that Mexican President Felipe Caldern's government is waging on the cartels. Our source and his employer had just been drawn into the ATF's latest kooky adventure. A museum in Mexico City has dozens of seized paraphilia on display. Some suspects won't talk after their arrests and othersadmit smuggling guns but claim they don't know the names of the buyers or the cartel involved. Same guys, different job. He campaigned on "Hugs, Not Bullets.". It was run by brothers Jorge Luis, Juan David, and Fabio Ochoa Vasquez; Pablo Escobar; Carlos Lehder; George Jung; and Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez. ", The cartels were smart enough to pick buyers who wouldn't instantly set off alarm bells (aka clean-cut and often white). Yes Colt and Smith at one time made some very nice revolvers I will give them that but our rifles have been a joke for years. is on the streets after a gun battle between Mexican security forces and suspected cartel gunmen, in Villa Union, Mexico . Top ATF officials have said in congressional testimony that 90 percent of the guns submitted for tracing by Mexican authorities are from the United States. This small-town Oregon bricklayer had a side hustle: Gun supplier for Why Mexican Cartels Use American Guns | The War On Drugs Theres no way for people to buy guns like these in Mexico. You don't buy five to six of the same 10k rifle for a collection. View of gun butts made of gold, diamonds, emeralds and rubies to form the Mexican flag, in Culiacan, Sinaloa state on July 12, 2011. Cartels often use drug profits to pay Americans to buy weaponsfor them at retail stores andgun shows, called straw purchases. Typically, the purchaser turns the guns over to a broker who takes them across the border to Mexico, where such weapons cannot be bought legally. For those who never heard about this story. After his arrest, Diaz told agents with Homeland Security Investigations he was paid $5,000 upfront to smuggle "fierros," Spanish for "iron," which he understood to be guns,across the border. As Mexican drug groups cut in on avocado sales by extorting growers, armed locals fight back, Daughter of Mexican cartel boss sentenced to US prison for violation of Kingpin Act. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers with an Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team were screening traffic headed out of Laredo on the Lincoln-Juarez Bridge in October when they noticed a bundle under the carriage of Vasquez's SUV, secured with black ties. favorite guns of drug cartels Enough-time for real action. We sat down with "James," who worked at one of the gun stores the ATF ordered to sell firearms to drug cartels. The majority of U.S. states allow citizens to buy .50-caliber weapons, something Mexico reserves for its military. How Mexican drug cartels have caused a rapid increase in lime prices, putting a . What kind of weapons do the cartels typically use? Is it really - Quora This article would have you believe the American guns are coming from civilian sources.. one point left out of the article is that the cartels also like American hand grenades. And yes the California shooter did have a vetted gun but the point being made is that without uniform vetting laws funneling second hand guns into Mexico is a piece of cake. No way the Democrats would support increasing the numbers of guns in the world. A jeweler shows a gun butt made of gold, diamonds, emeralds and rubies to form the Mexican flag, for a 1911 pistol in Culiacan, Sinaloa state on July 12, 2011. Theres a little bit of The Dude in a lot of Jeff Bridges performances. They only wanted a couple of us dealing with it fill out this form, have the money counted, so we can bring drug dogs in to check the bills for drugs. Mexico: U.S. Supplies 90% Of Cartel's Guns. The problem isnt cartels sneaking (civilian) guns from the U.S. Meanwhile, check out this picture of a gun cache from El Chapo's hide-out: That's a Barrett .50 caliber rifle, confirmed to have gotten to Mexico via the ATF's gun-running program. CJNG members posted a video that went viral on social media in July2020 showing off their arsenal of tanks and .50-caliber guns. As far as American guns being the best. Officials found 17 handguns in his car. Last week, the Treasury sanctioned two Mexican businessmen and four Sinaloa Cartel members in connection with the illicit methamphetamine and fentanyl trade. 1 gun in the Hearst survey was the AK-47 imported from Romania by Century International Arms of Delray Beach, Fla. Century Arms, as it's commonly known, legally circumvents a federal law stipulating that imported rifles must be suitable for "sporting purposes." Follow reporter Beth Warrenon Twitter: @BethWarrenCJ. Mexico: 18 bodies found after suspected drug cartel gun battle The bullet-ridden bodies of 18 men were discovered in Zacatecas state after apparent confrontation between suspected. Gunmen who left behind at least one M82riflewere seen spraying the armor-plated car ofpolicechief Omar Garcia Harfuch with high-velocity rounds. Somehow, gum made out of tree bark is still softer than Bazooka. American guns are ok, and many of the gun companies from the above countries have some US manufacturing. Pre-order it now! COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. California, by contrast, accounted for 90 guns, three percent of the total. A straw purchase is when someone buys a gun legally, but then hands it over illegally to another person. The Tools of Mexico's Drug Cartels, From Landmines to Monster Trucks Or is it because the CA border is not a barrier to trafficking contraband? Build the wall. Oh NOW the ATF Thinks Running Guns to the Mexican Cartels is a Bad Idea But in all honesty the article above does not tell the whole truth about illegal guns in Mexico or South America as drug gangs also get guns from international arms traffickers as well, especially factory made full auto weapons. Dear Mexico: clean up your own house before telling us how to take care of ours. But, who gave the arms to the Mexican cartels? Officers foundthree rifles, eight pistols, several magazines and more than 4,700 rounds, including a bag of bullets under Vasquez's seat and more ammunition wrapped in tape and plastic and tucked inside a hidden compartment between the exterior and interior paneling. Of course, these same quoted Mexican officials made no mention of changing their own to laws to allow the little people to own some cold steel with which they could protect themselves and their families from corrupt federales and cartel predators. The perfect moment to strike, of course! John Boch, you said: There, members oftheGulf Cartel and CJNGhave formed a partnership, Jones said. Into Mexico.. Our own government is gifting military weapons to Mexico & those arms are being used by the cartels. The US rifle loved by drug cartels and feared by Mexican police Hundreds of firearms on display before being destroyed at . filed a lawsuit in theUS District Court in Massachusetts against the company and 10 other gun manufacturers. 12 of 29 13 of 29 Guns and munitions confiscated from alleged Mexican drug dealers . Photo gallery: The top ten favorite guns of the Mexican drug cartels The Most Dangerous Cartels To Ever Exist - SHARE AK-47 favorite gun of cartels WASHINGTON Convicted gun smuggler John Phillip Hernandez of Houston was likely not the kind of customer that Bushmaster Firearms International had in mind when he purchased 14 of the company's .223 caliber AR-15s at Houston area gun shops in 2006 and 2007. I hear Chinese AK-74 types a. How about we lock up a guy who sold the cartels weapons used to kill people including Brian Terry. These agencies team withthe U.S. Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco, Firearms and Explosivesto investigate the financing, transportation, and communications methods of smuggling networks. Whats so hard to understand about that? Then, basic questions: Did you feel they knew what they were buying? From the finest gems, to gold-plated weapons, law enforcement officials say these accused drug dealers have a passion for flashy things. Cartels seek out military-grade weapons, he said: "The bigger the better.". The tribes in America are not allowed to do things like that, instead they have to follow 3 sets of laws, otherwise a lot of white Americans would move to the reservations for some liberty. Within the next 45 minutes to an hour, they would come in. What ARE you waiting on? Say hello to our favorite little Al Pacino movie: The Brian De Palma classic from the '80s that has cemented Tony Montana, his little machine gun friend, and Michelle Pfeiffer's stunning slip dresses in cinema history. Mexican Crime, American Guns - ABC News Now I cannot make this any more simple for you to understand. This, by the way, is the Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle: It costs between $8,000 and $10,000, and it can literally put a bullet through most light tanks. The Mexican government estimates that more than half a million guns are smuggled from the U.S. each year, arming Mexico's deadly cartel wars. US guns help arm Mexican drug cartels, like CJNG - The Courier-Journal All Rights Reserved, Fed raises interest rates by 0.5%, the highest rise since 2000, Here are the 14 inductees for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. We had four or five come in that first guy came in five or six times, saying he was starting a collection. See I figured they were big fans of German guns, going back to that huge illegal arms contract HK won for the cartels awhile back. Of those murders, at least 20,005 were carried out with guns. [and I wonder what fraction of those murders were carried out at the behest of federal authorities by their cartel buddiesthe same Federales that prohibit citizens from arming up to defend themselves against the cartels.]. It would help gangs and cartels to increase their presence and elevate homicide and crime rates in the U.S. As troll names go, yours is especially stupid. Fake News. In January, a Mexican judge charged. ", Once the purchase was completed and the "customer" left the store, " the money was counted with the cameras watching it. Utah woman sentenced for selling weapons to Mexican drug cartel - KSTU A jury didn't believe him,convictingJose RafaelVasquez last month of attempting to smuggle goods out of the country. Snowfall is my favorite show centered around drugs - EVER. Gunmen battled on a beach near Puerto Morelos as tourists scrambled into a Hyatt . They have special loopholes that allow them to form their own government or something like that. He didn't know much about it beside the fact that he wanted it.". There is strict gun control in Mexico despite the fact that bearing arms is constitutionally protected. In November 2009, the ATF's Phoenix field office launched an operation in which guns bought by drug-cartel straw purchasers in the U.S. were allowed to "walk" across the border into Mexico. That included riflesmanufactured in Tennessee and Arkansas capable of downing aircraft or ripping through armored police cars andtanks. Cracked is up for TWO Webby Awards, for Best Humor Site and Best Video Entertainment! The Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), despite sounding like the most fun bureau in history, generally frowns on that kind of thing. No it could not be right. Cant have all those firearms in the USA, so lets pipeline them to Mexico. Most of the military grade stuff comes from South America and can be traced to US and Soviet shipments to a few countries back in the late 80's. They were used to set up or. I would take that way further. quoteClown shoes.quote. Men claiming to speak for Mexico's most powerful drug cartel have released a video threatening to murder . National Police Chief Gen. Oscar Naranjo, holds a handgun seized to Colombian drug lord and former paramilitary leader Pedro Guerrero Castillo, known as "Cuchillo" (Knife), as he speaks during a press conference in Bogota, Colombia, on December 29, 2010. Pass universal background checks, end loopholes: gunshow and Charleston. One thing struck him as particularly odd: " as I'm ringing up the transaction, he has one of those little drawstring backpacks. We had a bunch of light machine guns, like an M249 SAW what caught me off guard is that he and I shot the crap about that one day. These Are The Twitter Accounts Of The Sons Of Mexico's Drug Cartel Leaders it would help a great deal if the U.S. had much tighter gun control and drug enforcement.. In addition to weapons from the States working better, Mexico cartels view firearms as status symbols, retired DEA agent Jack Riley told The San Diego Union-Tribune: It is really important to these criminal organizations, who stay in business by the threat of violence and through the use of violence; and the tools that they prefer to do that with are American-made guns.. How Texas's gun laws allow Mexican cartels to arm themselves to the Puerto Vallarta, a tourist mecca now in the hands of the Narcos The Hearst survey parallel the findings of a Violence Policy Center report from 2009 documenting 21 gun-trafficking court cases involving 1,700 weapons funneled to Mexico, as well as a federal law enforcement report this year, based on 2,921 guns recovered in Mexico and traced to original U.S. purchases between December 2006 and November 2010. They want the firearms only in the hands they want so that they can execute their plan. So, the ATF was like, "We'll show you! One of the most dangerous pockets of Mexico City: Teptio, the primary-black market area, under the thumb of the Union Cartel. It is also one of the weapons of choice for drug cartels, according to the. Fast and Furious was a Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) "gunrunning" operation in which the Obama administration allowed guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels in the hope the weapons would be recovered at crime scenes. Every once in a while, a dolt drops a gem. build the wall you promised us! They know how to pull the wool over your eyes.". A 9mm browning pistol has the diamond encrusted initials of LMJ. The cartels then use their members or contract with associates to serve as"consolidators.". The underground trade of weapons to Mexico is worth hundreds of millions of dollars annuallywith American guns used to kill tens of thousands of Mexicans each year. According to prosecutors, the weapons are believed to belong to the Valencia gang, allies of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel, and most of the 31 pistols found in the raid had gold or silver-plated grips or glittered with diamonds. Take a look at some of the flashiest weapons you'll ever see in the slideshow above. What Newell said quite clearly is that . Or perhaps Newsweek went out of print before the Fast and Furious story broke. American firearms power a brutal conflict that has claimed more than 100,000 lives. COPYRIGHT 2005-2023 Cracked is published by Literally media Ltd., The Government Asked Us To Keep Selling Guns To Cartels, Drug Cartels Only Want The Most Dangerous Guns, The Government Dropped The Hammer (And Nothing Happened), Everything Wound Up More Dangerous Than If We Had Just Not Called, Jeff Bridges Dude-est Roles That Arent The Dude, How Hugh Grant Found New Life in Guy Ritchie Action-Comedies, 15 Riveting Items of Trivia That Fell Into Our Laps This Week, Best Retired South Park Characters And If They Should Return, 6 UGLY THINGS I LEARNED SELLING GUNS TO DRUG CARTELS, 5 Insane Things I Learned About Drugs As An Undercover Agent, 6 Ways Life In Cartel-Run Mexico Is Nothing Like You Imagine, 15 Trivia Tidbits About Trailer Park Boys, Every Purposefully Corny Joke from Norm Macdonalds Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget, Ranked, 5 Elaborate Mysterious Projects Carried Out Literally Underground, 15 Bits Of Trivia So Powerful, They Would Have Instantly Vaporized Our Ancestors, I Was the Bowling Consultant on The Big Lebowski, 15 Incredible Inventions That Were, Technically, Gigantic Failures. 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