And lastly, the attack on white males in commercials has been going on for years. Appreciate your thoughts, Robert. Check our Privacy and Cookie Policy for more information. I blame them for many of societys ills. Thanks for writing, skinny white girl. I had commented a while back, stating that it was something that weve noticed increasing over the past several years. I probably wont find it because, as you say, there are many forces at work here. Criminally inclined blacks dont burgle anymore. (Thats got to be by far the most unrealistic thing Ive seen all day. White, yes. Oh, Im afraid the NHL isnt just being picked on its own-goaling itself. They have the executives believing unless you show 70%+ minorities you are racist. Theyre the ones producing the work. Clearly, this is a topic that people want to talk about. Teaching that erotic lust and egoism is the highest achievement of mankind. So much truth here, especially in the fact that so many political, social, and religious agendas and conventional wisdom are driven by big-money corporations (Pfizer, anyone?). Every other platform there are the same commercials and they make me sick. I totally agree with everything youve written here . In reality the actual investors have no clue how their portfolios are being used. I have been digging into the people behind this for nearly three years now, trying to understand who they are and what their plans are, and the phrase truth is stranger than fiction doesnt even begin to describe it. The problem of over-, under-, and misrepresentation in television commercials is part of a larger culture war thats being fought on many fronts, and as with so many issues, it seems the corporations are on a different side than the people. I mute the commercials and think to myself this is all but nothing but clown commercials, fake and actually racist against whites. With respect to simple gender, 90%+ of print and television ads for gyms and exercise equipment feature women. find one blue eyed blonde male on tv or movies anymore. They believe that if they continue to show 70%+ minorities in ads they can make everyone believe the country is majority minority. I have been saying this for years. Oh, I forgot about the talking Rice Krispie Treat giving the boy in ballet tights a pep talk. Who comes up with the best inventions and breakthrough technologies? I always enjoy your comments, Criswell, and this may be your best yet. Jake from State Farm is laughable too. There are no white males other than stupid guys! Ad industry publications such as Ad Age and Adweek and Digiday cheerlead for it. We are not to pay for the sins of our fathers, and absolutely no one has done more to help lift the black community out of poverty. When brand loyalty goes out the window, consumers tend to price shop or product hop, turning most of our landscape into boring commodities. Interesting, RPD. I do NOT watch any commercials anymore. We are wanting to reflect our audience back to them but now its incredibly hard to find Caucasian, rural looking Americans even in stock imagery. Brad, thank you for your thoughtful comment. But God save the queen Kim, she will change this all in a generation or two. . Is that not the very definition of racism? If you notice, the actors playing Bond have gotten shorter and less masculine over time. How brands approached diversity and inclusion when creating Super Bowl You are spot on, except I do have to disagree about the Hispanic and other people of color not being represented well in advertising. This is, of course, assuming that advertisers bother to portray white men at all. In the UK you notice plenty of Indian/Arab + White couples. I believe most everyone is getting tired of race, gender, and politics infesting everything from advertising to sports, entertainment and beyond. (Ok, so sue me or yell at me, Im too old to care.). When exactly does a human thing become a black or white thing? Ive been thinking of writing a boilerplate type letter that I can use so I dont have to type my complaints & observations 100s of times. So teaching your kids manners is racist now apparently. Thanks for taking the time to say it! Makes no sense. I cant believe I found this article having recognized the basis of your article for years. I agree, The advertisers are trying to brainwash our children. He may be referring to an ordinance passed by politicians in San Francisco that allows shoplifters to steal up to a thousand dollars worth of merchandise (I think thats the amount) without being arrested. And naturally I notice make up ads, clothing designers and culturally similar ads that represent people like me. Overcasting Black folks is simply an effort to keep themselves employed. Here in the East of England in the county of Norfolk I hardly come across any mixed race couples in my town. I understand what my staff is going through; I dont have to conduct research studies. But I am still trying to work in my mind why advertisers, particularly the advertising companies, are such willing participants (I understand why certain multinational corporations are pushing these agendas). Thats when things start becoming exclusive rather than inclusive, and it comes off as pandering even when its meant well. No strong white young men in Star Wars? The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising . Admittedly Im going off of anecdotal evidence, but it seems almost every interracial couple in commercials is black-not black (usually black-white), with the bare minimum being black-not black. So much for being a racist country.). But leave me out of it. And many, many interesting theories on what is going on. Because of course, white men are the only ones who ever mansplain. I once attended a womens networking event that featured the male mayor of the city as its keynote speaker. I often find myself questioning if the black people watching these commercials would really use this product or service. I worked at DFW Airport for 30 years and I did everything in my power to keep my sexual preference hidden form all my coworkers. I also strongly suspect it has something to do with the indoctrination centers we call public schools and universities churning out young people with leftist programming. I dont care if you want to throw in a black family here and there on TV but leaving out all whites and other races for that matter, is not diversity! I call these internalized values the Five Es and they are presented here: 1. What is the Whitewashing of black people? If that were true, why dont we see more Latinos in ads? Personally, Im singling out these advertisers who are ignoring white America by falsely showing more gay & transgender people in a much larger percentage of America than it really it. Companies will be forced to address their . Youre exactly right, Thor. I for one am going back to reading or streaming movies with no commercials. Could black players in the NHL then foot the bill for this? I would agree, but Im kinda old and untrained for warfare against my country. Because all they want is welfare. Blacks are mayors of major cities, police chiefs, generals in the army, admirals in the navy, and generals in the air force. This has gotten way worse in 2022! Just an example of how insane these people arelast summer when I took my son to the playground, he went down a slide right after a black girl went down before she got to the bottom. Its Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism. If WOKE commercials have transformed America and raised all races and creeds up to be economically and culturally equal, I am THRILLED. Its gotten to the point where you never see a smart white male in a television commercial. You are totally right and Im in the UK. Just an FYI. Also, why is it that your kind always resorts to ad hominem attacks and calling people Hitler? Representation can be considered a buzzword because our indifference to ads in general have made them white noise most of the time. A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2021) Now, we are in the minority. I noticed in my travels thru the UK and Western Europe it seems people there really are into Arabs and Moroccan, Home TV Ad Reviews About Contact Hire Me for Copywriting Subscribe Privacy Policy. Dove soap is perhaps the most prominent example, but there are others. I doubt most have a problem with people of different backgrounds being represented. I keep my business behind closed doors where it belongs!!! . 3. I am a middle aged white woman. But Caucasians dont march, or wear mask.we need to speak up and not be canceled out. They are governors or lieutenant governors. Good comment, ARG. It really doesnt matter to me what race a person is in a commercial. Why Prioritizing Diversity is Key in Connected TV Ads Every soldier, police officer and fireman knows this. Looking back, I shouldnt have waited so long to write this post. In a recent film about Mary, Queen of Scots, an Asian actress played the part of Bess of Hardwick, 2nd wealthiest person in England after Elizabeth I. The irony is, as Im trying to do work for regional brands, our demographic is mainly rural ranchers and small business owners. What can a brown man give me that a White man cant? Vote the D. The 2 DAs running this country are putting us on more commercials and TV. Tv shows would have you believe all groups of friends are made up of one person each of a different race and a LGBT, its eye rolling ridiculous. Im getting sick of TV in general. If the target was 90% Hispanic, we would have Hispanic actors in our ads. As a woman, I feel insulted by all the pandering that goes on towards females. Just dont use the dreaded C (Christmas) word though. Thanks for your input. Your example is awfully specific. Communications, PR, public affairs & media relations executives from Forbes Communications Council share firsthand insights. I never wanted to have a baby and wanted stuffed cats instead of dolls. Get woke, go broke appears to be ramping up as the culture war boils over. It has actually made me racist somewhat. Art to be good, has to reflect truth in nature and if doesnt, then it is propaganda. A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2020) November 17, 2020. I am so sick and tired of seeing that one race on TV all day!! You certainly can include other customer demographics in your ads to grow marketshare in those groups, but again that is with a solid marketing purpose. Also, diversity does not only mean blackswhere are the Latinos especially? The organizations (both foreign and domestic) behind this arent even attempting to hide their intentions anymore. Everything is about what I FEEL LIKE or I want.. Probably just ignore it as a bunch of racists. What? Thighlander, I think you and I have been reading similar things and doing similar research. [Thats a clapping hands emoticon in response to Wills comment, for those who dont know. And it is almost assumed at this point that every other couple is either interracial or gay. The majority of emcees of tv shows are black, awards shows are hosted by blacks and the presenters are mostly black. The sheer number of black people in TV commercials is already highly suspect, but the equation becomes even more lopsided when you consider that they are almost universally portrayed as clever, sensible professionals and leaders who hold positions of power over whites and characters of other races. Thats . Sir, step away from the bandwagon, and slowly back away!, said the advertising police to the insincere advertiser. And the media champion it. And I have nothing against her. The sad part is, as you said, seeing this absurd over-representation of black people day in and day out begins to do more than just annoy after a while. Actually, several months back I was composing an email to you on just this very subject, but never hit the Send button. Dan, I think I botched my original reply to you, but all I really wanted to say was thanks. . And although these cultural problems dwarf the small, daily inconveniences that the forced-diversity agenda creates for creative professionals I wholeheartedly agree with your example of the difficulty in finding stock photography of white, rural-looking Americans I think those issues are important enough to our industry that they merit discussion. I am a former busboy for the same company where I am the CMO. What have we allowed the wicked and perverse among us to do to our poor boys? Actually, Jordy, I dont think Robert is being sarcastic. The list goes on and on, Maria this, Carlos that. yes white males need not applyespecially blonde males racism, discrimination. For now, the only thing equitable about all this is how equally insulting it is to everyone. The findings are simply not believable. TV ads: why whites and straights are out - spiked I laughed at the commercial showing a black upper middle class family cooking Smores in their backyard. At this point, no one is being represented and maybe that vanilla (no pun intended) approach is another misstep that creates a billboard affect. You know that scene in Sleeping Beauty where Maleficent shows the prince what she has in store for him? There is something very disturbing about the emasculated effeminate girl men being pushed in our society. This is classic social engineering via Madison Ave. Love your post, Kinchan. Now I cant tune out. And lets not forget its also the guns fault. Its a problem for sure. Not when theres an agenda to push! There WAS a time in the US when blacks and whites dressed the same, enjoyed much of the same music, went to the same civic celebrations, etc. When you see it in TV, you would assume black/white interracial marriages are 95% of all marriages. The attack on boys and men is so easy to see. The Importance of Diversity in Advertising | Creating Results Inclusion comes naturally when your company lives it. If inclusion is part of your culture and mission, it will show in your campaigns and wont feel like a marketing tactic or gimmick. Im attaching the link below, as it is a very enlightening read. Good for you for boycotting some of these advertisers. Honestly, I dont see this getting any better. In the meantime, theyre all probably laughing themselves silly watching race-obsessed white people trip all over themselves to make commercials that make white people feel less guilty about being white. In the 1940s, certain studios would have a black janitor who sacrifices himself for the white male hero. I agree that we need to tell the advertisers what we want by not purchasing their items or services. This is brand suicide. I think youre right, Kris. Like, they must feel like theyre totally at the edge of Corporate Americas mind. Hint: its the liberal left. All the rights and benefits one could have living in an urban area ARE afforded to all. In fact, you hardly see boys at all in commercials now. Do you actually expect TV commercials to accurately represent life? You dont have to be a Rhodes scholar to see the intention behind all of this. This is a great idea, Thor. It would definitely save money in making the stupid ads, unless there is some stupid union actors contract to deal with. Interestingly, although Im often accused of being privileged, I actually have had to work harder to get opportunities due to my demographics. Movies and tv followed the same trend. Put us in a room together and wed have a lot to talk about. But must we pay for the sins of our fathers forever? On the other hand EVERYTHING makes perfect sense to us conspiracy theorists because many of us have been studying the Master Plan for 30, even 40 years. Advertisers are 'trying too hard' to demonstrate diversity | Daily Mail Online Channel 4 YouGov poll looked at representation of BAME and LGBT communities Broadcaster claims that brands are. Id love it if the black people I saw in TV adverts were representative of the blacks I see every day in real life; Id love it just as much if all races were portrayed fairly and equitably by the people who create todays TV commercials the ones who claim they champion equity but who in truth are using diversity as an excuse to marginalize white people. Television is a tool used to brainwash people to believe that certain races of people are superior to others. Unfortunately, I dont think there *is* a way to raise this discussion in a larger public forum not without risking being cancelled and called a racist, bigoted homophobe. A person of color is a victim of racism, by definition. And the fact that they are over playing the number of gay & transgender people by making the percentages of races & genders in these commercials much higher in numbers than they actually are. Plan to go the distance or dont go at all. Instilling diversity as a value and solidifying it through an appropriate vision and mission statement will ensure that its imbued in a companys ethos. they are letting you know what they desire for the future, what is good and what is bad White family bad so plain to see. . Anti racism is still racism. Im fine with showing mixed race couples since they certainly do exist but its portrayed in far far greater percentages than exist in reality (unless Madison Avenue is trying to have life imitate art by convincing women that black men are the ideal and white men are bumbling morons). Where were all of these companies five years ago. If you want to know the truth about how the vast majority of blacks socially interact simply watch 5-10 episodes of The First 48. Why not? I also notice that when there are white people in commercials with blacks very often the black people look good, trim, sharp, intelligent and the whites look scraggly, dorky, fat, dumpy. Why is every commercial have blacks and gay people and interracial marriages. We need to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by the narrative put forth by the jackals who would divide us, and realize that the vast majority of our fellow Americans are in fact good people who are very accepting of different races and cultures. In a televised production of The Nutcracker a few years ago, we saw wealthy 19th Russian couples at a ball in St. Petersburg who were interracial. His point was that typically black people arent into stuff like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing..those kinds of pursuits. I see nothing but brown skin and brown hair from blacks to Asians, to Hispanics. Its reverse discrimination! Erik Radle, the CEO of Miller Advertising (Texas) has openly bragged about how advertising is going to change our society. Certainly, hockey is expensive. To a black person, diversity means adding black people. Yes, sir. Our culture now is for everyone to whine and fight anonymously online against each other whether its based on race, gender, age (those damn millennials), sexuality, etc. They did this by acting white, wearing white clothing styles, talking with a white dialect, and going to piano recitals. The sad part is over time these companies become vanilla as they try to cater to what they think their audience wants, all the while alienating their audience from them in reality. 4. And most of it is due to the monolithic multinational corporations and their greed for two synonymous and interchangeable terms money and power. They cant get themselves to believe that their governments or doctors or the news people on TV would ever lie to them. Agreed on all points! It would be more accurate to describe the situation as a forced lack of diversity being stripped away over time as media companies seek larger profits. Interesting observation, Phelan! We are all bludgeoned in the face daily by this nonsense and I am bleeding profusely. And regarding your chromosome comment. We wire-hanger-bodied, pasty, straight-haired girls need to get dressed, too. In this case, the (usual) bufoonery of whites, and minimization of their possibly being interesting, cool, and family centered anymore. If they succeed in overthrowing the Constitution and establishing the communist hellhole they are aiming for, they will be the first ones murdered by the new tyrants. Occasionally there is a tan or brown-skinned person thrown in there. Bang on, Dennis. Consider that Luke Skywalker was 57. The only true way to make your feelings known is to actually contact the companies directly & voicing your concerns & issues. Make sure your voice is heard. Tired of it! This country is so much in the toilet right now. The reason they look so out of place is not because POC dont enjoy a good hike. If extraterrestrials were to study the human race on Earth by searching Wikipedia, they would have no idea that White race existed, In advertising classes, we were taught that companies had certain markets/segments of the population to focus on, and to not waste money advertising dollars on markets where they werent selling. Or, is it rather that commercials are catching up to the real world? Its ridiculous. Imagine if they portrayed the whites as the smart ones who shop where the advertisers say or buy their products and its the blacks who are too stupid not to buy their products and have to be schooled. T his report from ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), based on three separate studies among ANA members, concludes that women overwhelmingly comprise the bulk of the marketing industry's workforce and at the senior leadership level, female representation is now likely at an all-time . All of the Big Tech companies are woke, and Microsoft goes out of its way to make its politics obvious. The immigrants will be so happy to be free and have a chance at Western lives that they will vote for the liberals who bussed/planed/sailed them in. Usually any family consists of a black male, white female and a variety of ethnic children. (However, before I say more, I must correct you on one thing. That seems to be the only recourse we have left. They see white erasure in western culture and wonder why. Say, did you see that someone blew up the Georgia Guidestones the other day? Its the far left wing radical idiots that want to appease people of color. In the UK, white people make up 82%, black people, 3%. Dont worry about being politically correct. Today, long after the end of segregation, long after the Civil Rights Act, we still have black churches, black schools, black magazines, black television stations, and more. Reparations? strong advocate called for 13 Trillion dollars, $300 K per..if only this country could print that much money and get away with it!.and, when i talk with my friends, we all agree, something has to be this point, as an individual, i can only do what i can, and really, there is a lot i can do. Since these people believe they are beyond Good and Evil, and the rest of us need to be reduced to savage beasts. A digital billboard in Times Square lights. I think that job is pretty secure. Good. Amazing. The same has been for blacks since 1960. And their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. These include cookies that allow you to be remembered as you explore the site within a single session or, if you request, from session to session. Time to turn off the TV. but lets remember its not all of they. Its true. blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate Wokeness is not fixing our world or ridding it of inequality; its lighting the fuse on a whole set of new problems, some of which look uncomfortably like our old ones. And theyre shown eating burgers, guzzling beer, and lying on the couch with a remote when theyre not robbing houses. We know the key is authenticity. Hoping all this social engineering crap, which people like I associate with can see right through, backfires on all these idiots. No worries, SL. Good observation. I have boycotted every company pushing the propaganda. Regardless of the intent these commercials are making white Americans over 40 feel disenfranchised. Garbage collectors? This is an expansion on the magic negro trope. generally, its ridiculous. Its so absurd and annoying. Hey, Im all for fairness and equity, but youre right this is out of control.
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